witness, honour, appreciate, celebrate, play, love, let go
morsels of insight to go deeper in relating to myself, to you, to life, the universe and everything

pandemic as a catalyst for discovering deep acceptance and freedom
Tadeusz Tadeusz

pandemic as a catalyst for discovering deep acceptance and freedom

It is quite a challenge to balance our external plans and ambitions with acceptance and letting go. This interplay is coming up for a lot of us with special intensity during Corona times. The pandemic has a pronounced effect on our everyday choices. But can it have any effect on genuine freedom? The one that escapes any lockdowns?

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what do writing, atoms, and playing Jenga have all in common
Tadeusz Tadeusz

what do writing, atoms, and playing Jenga have all in common

Ever read a book and then felt that you could squeeze those several hundred pages into one or a few core concepts that would fit on one page? Admittedly, there is a lot of beating around the bush happening in the realm of non-fiction writing. Core concepts are wrapped in layers upon layers of mush. Curiously, this seems to pretty much reflect the structure and dynamics of an atom. It has a lot of “empty space” that is actually not empty (typical quantum mechanics quagmire, right?). To simplify, it is a soup of plenty of things and interactions that average out to zero.

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on this thing that we are all really good at: making mistakes
Tadeusz Tadeusz

on this thing that we are all really good at: making mistakes

It was last Sunday. My 9-year-old son was having a friend sleeping over at our place. His dad came before noon to pick him up. I had exciting family plans for the rest of the day, but the boys said that they wanted to continue playing together. I abruptly said no, I wanted time just with my family. Only that I was away the day before and in the end, I forgot to properly discuss our Sunday plans. And it didn’t help that I hadn’t interacted with my son much on Sunday morning. At that moment I was a stranger and intruder for him. He was hurt and immediately shut down on me. Only then I realized my mistake, and it took another 1.5 hours of loving patience and showing him how sorry I was to open him up again.

One of my favourite, most helpful, and liberating life observations is the simple fact that we all fuck-up, and we do this with astonishing regularity. Below is my ideal scenario of dealing with our missteps towards other fellow humans.

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