powered by stillness

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Picture a stony shore with tiny water pools left by the inhaling ocean. Not only is it usually plain beautiful and soothing, but it can have all sorts of hidden treats if you care to tune in. One way to discover them is to hit a pause button on moving. By “doing” this, we can invite nature to a unique transaction – our stillness exchanged for movement around us. After a minute or so, the shore’s real estate will gradually become an animated play. What seemed like fossil shells ingrained in the rocky stones turn to be wanderers, shyly resuming their coastal voyages. The hustle and bustle picks up in the shallow pools, too. There, all kinds of creatures with cute names, like barnacles or limpets, go on with their foraging business.

The same is true everywhere in nature. Sitting still in the meadow can teleport us to its hidden life. Birds come closer (and if we are lucky and patient enough, other bigger animals too), snails pass by, new peculiar sounds start to emerge. The nature pulse deepens as our mind becomes more attuned to it.

It is the stillness that greases the wheels of life – the wheels that move the “Clockwork Universe”. 

There is so much waiting for us out there in the stillness. A parallel reality at our feet when we quieten our body and mind.

This post flows with: Jan Garbarek feat. The Hilliard Ensemble - Parce Mihi Domine


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