witness, honour, appreciate, celebrate, play, love, let go
morsels of insight to go deeper in relating to myself, to you, to life, the universe and everything

don’t love your enemies
Tadeusz Tadeusz

don’t love your enemies

We all agree that the world would do with more love. But, to quote an accomplished musician and lyrics author Haddaway, “What is love”?

Obviously, we cannot command someone to love, this is not how it works. “Love your enemies” sounds like a great message on the surface, but can I really just decide that? And are “love” and “enemy” even compatible?

Imagine you want to learn how to roller-skate. Would it be helpful if your trainer told you: “Find your balance, do not fall, turn right and then stop”? Things like good balance are not something you can teach directly. Rather, they are natural outcomes or even by-products of more nuanced clues like “bend your legs slightly and look forward”. And of course, they don’t come on the first try. They are a result of extensive and intentional practice.

In much the same way, I see love as an outcome, a spinoff from other things, almost a side effect, and as a skill that needs to be trained daily.

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everyday travelling
Tadeusz Tadeusz

everyday travelling

What is it about travelling and being in new places that can be so invigorating? The magic may just be in a switch back to the discovery mode, a child-like mind, when everything is new and fresh again. We are more conscious again.

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the paradise lost
Tadeusz Tadeusz

the paradise lost

For a long time I believed that childhood is the paradise lost. But the actual loss is buried deeper than that. What we grow up from is presence. It is being fully emerged in the "now" that we gradually unlearn and exchange for a growing sense of "I". We all begin as mystics and then start sliding down towards existential chaos.

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