smiles collector

photo: Joanna Kniaź-Hawrot

photo: Joanna Kniaź-Hawrot

One of the sweetest sights I can think of is seeing a person smiling authentically to oneself (or better still, laughing!)

To miss a genuine smile from a stranger - because I was again too self-absorbed, or turned my head away too fast - feels like the whole universe was just lost.                

To offer a smile to a random person, and have it reciprocated, is an instant heart-warmer.

A happy smile, a compassionate smile, a smile of understanding, a shy or flirtatious one, a generous or gentle smile, a mischievous one, inviting, warm, a mirror smile.

Smile, smile, smile.

This post flows with Mashti & Polyesta -Laughing Yogi


how I found a childhood memory (when I stepped out of the brackets)


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