my day or mayday

painting: Joanna Kniaź-Hawrot

painting: Joanna Kniaź-Hawrot

When a day is left to a chance, it can easily turn into a Mayday. Being unintentional is like a magnet for entropy. Before I know it, I become a galloping rider from a Zen story. When asked where he is going, he yells: I don't know, ask the horse!
And such days can imperceptibly turn into years and eventually into the whole life.

It might be a useful thing to tune up intentions and the quality of presence on a regular basis, just like a musical instrument needs to be tuned up. Otherwise, we might be playing seemingly the same melodies of every-day situations, habits and encounters, but gradually something will be off, detached, disconnected. We can become out of tune with ourselves. Slowly, it can make us drift away from being in charge towards becoming a rider of an unguarded animal galloping through life. And good luck with that : )

This post flows with Sir Mix-A-Lot - Buckin My Horse


a skillful swing play


soulful stones