mono tones

photo: Joanna Kniaź-Hawrot

photo: Joanna Kniaź-Hawrot

Before playing in an orchestra it might be a useful thing to have some solo practice first.

Before I actively partake in the symphony of life, I like to train myself in monotony, in mono tones.

And so I turn my day into a litany of repetitive routines.

I absorb the patience and vastness of a calm ocean.

A suspension and fragrance of nature on a hot day.

Delicious darkness and the sweet sound of stillness.

My dearest body’s continuous mantra of life – breath in, breath out.

I take it all in and let it brew until it explodes with abundance and fullness and joy, and blends in with the rest of the Universe’s music.

This post flows with… well, it flows with this song:

Related blog post: MONO TONES


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