learning to unlearn

photo: Joanna Kniaź-Hawrot

photo: Joanna Kniaź-Hawrot

When I was a kid I was told to be nice and say yes to others. Now I’m learning to say yes to myself first.

When I was a kid I was encouraged to look at the stars and be mindful that “God” made humans a crown of its creation. Now I look back at the sky and realize that the idea that people are the centre of it all is a cosmic joke.

When I was a kid I was commanded to love my enemies. Now I am learning to recognize that I don't have enemies in the first place.

When I was a kid, I was led to believe that the feminine and masculine are a function of society. Now I am learning that they are a divine calling.

When I was a kid, the curiosity for the unknown was shut in me with words and man-made doctrines. Now I shattered them all.

When I was a kid, I was offered all the answers. Now I have embarked on a life-long journey of unlearning

All those things I have been taught

All that has been taken for granted

All that has been labelled as "normal"

Life's too short to unlearn all that!

And now, the more new things I learn along the way, the bigger the mystery grows. The mystery that I embrace with my heart and come to accept with my mind.

Because we all live in a magical, unknowable display of love.

This post flows with Blackchords - Into the Unknown


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